Sunday, October 12, 2014


WELL... it has been a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGG time since I posted anything.  Time has gotten away from me, as life was happening and I was unable to wrap my fingers around a computer to type anything.

Let me try to catch up.

My last post was... (I can't believe it)... August of 2013!!!  Over a year ago!!! DANG!!!  Sure am glad I don't make a living off this!!!

Anyway, we got the house finished enough and moved in in January of this year (2014).  It's been chaos at best to get things unpacked, PLUS... we moved the remainder of Karl's stuff (A few pieces of furniture, but mostly household items... LOTS of primitive stuff) from MA during our Christmas vacation of 2013.

Before we moved the stuff down to Virginia from Mass, we had an Antique Sale.  It took us days to clean out the semi-trailer where everything was stored.  Mice had gotten into everything and so much of it got ruined.  We cleaned and bleached and polished furniture during an snow-storm!!!  Talk about cold!!!  We had to use propane heaters to try to keep ourselves from freezing to death, but hey... we are tough old birds... LOL!!!

Here are some pics from the sell:

Lots of cool stuff...

And more cool stuff...

and more cool stuff....
and even MORE cool stuff!!!  Whew!!!

We had a really good turnout for the sale, and was able to keep the stuff we really wanted.  We also got to spend a fabulous Christmas with Karl's children and grandchildren.  So... a most successful trip.

Okay, so that was Christmas.  Then on January 13th, 2014 (the day after my birthday), we moved into the house.  FINALLY!!!  We have been working on it for 41/2 years!!!  What a celebration!!!

Still lots to do, but we certainly are enjoying the place.

We moved His, Mine and Our stuff into the rooms and spent the next couple of months getting everything into its rightful place.  I will post more in the future to show each room furnished.  However, aside from the furnishings... one of the best things about moving into the house is the fireplace. 

Here's a perfect picture of Karl on a cold day:

He's still in his pj's... wearing his favorite sweater... with a cup of coffee... his hand-held Yahtzee in hand... and Max (one of our cats) on his lap, all in front of a roaring fire.  What more could one ask for!!!

This was taken on a snowy day in January.  There was so much snow!!!

Here's what it looked like from our back door... looking towards the camper, where we spent many a frozen day wishing we had a fireplace to keep us warm!!!

I am SOOOOO grateful we are in the house... and it was SOOOOO worth the wait!!! And...I am SOOOOO THANKFUL to NOT being in the camper!

However... my younger brother John, moved into the camper when we moved out.  He had been living in Pennsylvania and came down to help Karl and I with the farm.  Here's a picture of him shoveling a walkway.  THANK YOU, John!

He is also a big kid at heart, and he and my grandson Garrett took advantage of the snow...

Anyway... more on that later as well.

Now that it is getting cold again (forcing me to be inside more), and we have finished the summer traveling and getting the garden put away, hopefully I can work on the blog more and get everyone updated on "what's happening on the funny farm"!!!  Thanks for your patience!

Well... so goes the best laid plans... blah... blah... blah!!!

Instead of posting, I've been caught up with holidays and weather and trying to stay WARM!!!  I haven't even THOUGHT about my "Good Intentions" of keeping up this blog.  Sigh!  Okay... maybe tomorrow?

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